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Private Lessons with Joy H

30 min. 60 min.
1/week, billed monthly
Piano (ages 4+),   Violin (ages 4+),   Cello (ages 4+),   Viola (ages 2+),   Violin/Viola (ages 4+)

Joy H

Joy started playing violin at the age of 10. She continued her lessons and participation in school  orchestras throughout her educational years. In college she learned piano and took classes to learn how  to play all the other instruments in the symphony orchestra. In college she earned her Bachelor of  Liberal Arts with a minor in Music. She went on to play in community orchestras and played once with  the Denver Symphony. 

Joy started teaching music lessons seven years ago. She taught violin for two years at a private school in  conjunction with teaching her other private students. Her main instrument is the violin but she teaches  viola, cello and piano also. Joy taught herself to play guitar at the age of 16 and can pick up most any  other instrument or piece of music and learn it quickly and with ease. She also sings in two choirs, the  Roman Catholic Chamber choir and weekly with her church choir. She also cantors at her church. 

During the school year Joy works as an assistant teacher with School District 11. Joy’s passion is music  and has been playing and performing for over 50 years. She loves teaching music and watching her  students grow and excel.

$33.00/lesson, Month to month

Tuesday at Colorado Springs Location or Online Lessons